reckoning accounts

The list below contains a record of each envelope passed out at the church on September 22, 2024. 

Envelope 1

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Envelope 15

I took the $100 talent provided by God and added $100 of our personal money making a talent gift of $200. After my prayer, I felt the Lord direct me to invest this $200 talent in support of the "Jesus Film Project." Some of the results are listed here.

Thank you for your recent gift to help spread the good news through the ministry of "Jesus Film Project." Your investment will make an eternal difference in the lives of unreached men, women, and children. Not everyone can read or will read the Bible. "Jesus Film Project" delivers the story of Jesus on film, so all can hear Him speak in their language and see His love play out on screen. We are passionate about sharing Jesus with the world because we believe everyone, everywhere should have access to His life changing love and forgiveness. That's why, by God's grace and through the help of our partners, our Christian films are available in over 2000 different languages. They are designed to break language and literacy barriers so anyone can watch no matter where they are in the world.  Our prayer is that God will honor and bless your partnership in helping to share His message of love and forgiveness with people in spiritual darkness Luke 6:38. And on their behalf, I say thank you. I am pleased to share with you the impact of "Jesus Film Project" through emails I will be sending to you in the coming weeks. May you be encouraged as you read and see how unreached people across the globe are hearing and understanding the good news in great numbers. The Holy Spirit is speaking to their hearts and transforming their lives as they experience "Jesus."

More than 200 million men, women, and children have indicated decisions to know Christ after viewing the film in their heart language. Through Jesus Film media someone says "yes" to the Lord every second. It's a universally recognized tool for global evangelism and church planting. On average, 10% of people who attend the Jesus film showings make the decision to follow Christ.

Envelope 16

Our envelope was number 16. After much prayer and consideration, we invested our $100 in Lydia’s House, which is a 10–12-month women’s residential discipleship program offering love, support and healing in a faith based, clean, sober and nicotine free home. We chose this ministry as we have seen first hand the impact it has had on the lives around us. It has not only affected the women who have gone through the program but also on their family and friends. This program is not like anything the world has to offer, it is not a rehab program which focuses on the problem, it is a home that offers hope through a personal relationship with Christ. The women experience freedom from spiritual and emotional issues with prayer, counseling and Biblical curriculum. The transformation process is from the inside out, dealing with the hearts of women and the real root issues of their behavior, not just the outward symptoms. Discipleship is a process, in which Lydia’s House helps to initiate so that the women can be transitioned back into their family and into a local church body.

Envelope 26

I invested an extra $100 of my own money with the $100 I received from the church. I contacted someone who used to go to our church many years ago. This person has a ministry in handing out gospel tracks. I sent tracks to him to pass out as the Lord leads him. He is currently praying about the possibility of a ministry on his college campus. I do not know the details of that ministry. When I called, he had just finished a meeting with a missionary friend of his. He had asked his friend how he gets money to do the ministries the Lord has put on his heart to do. His friend told him not to be concerned about that. He said the Lord provides. I had just called up at that moment, wanting to get tracks to him. It was an encouragement to all three of us to see how God provides. We all had different ministries, however, the goal was the same, to get God's word out to the unsaved.

Application - God uses each one of us in different ways to get His work done. 

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Envelope 52

As I was praying about what to do with the $100 to invest for God's kingdom, I was given my answer very quickly. Two special ladies in my life, one lady I have known since her birth, and the other lady was put in my life by the Lord about two years ago. They both have been diagnosed with stage four cancer. They are not Christians, and do not own a Bible or daily devotional. They now own both the Word of God, the Bible, and the devotional, as well as a magnet that says, "God has you in the palm of his hand," from Isaiah 49:16. As I have tried to share the Lord and salvation with them, they each let me know in a nice and loving way that they were not interested in hearing.  They believed in the Lord, but did not care about knowing Him. I asked Lord about what to do, and He told me several times to witness with my life. Due to the challenges, I have been facing the last few years, I was asked by both of them how could I believe, stay close, and have strong faith in the Lord. They were willing to let me share my story as to why. As the Lord said to me, witness with your life. Since that day, the lady I have known is telling me that she is praying for me, is asking questions, and has started reading both books. The lady I have known for a couple of years has struggled more, but is starting to let me share, and said she will start reading. Continue to be in my daily prayers. I pray they will both become part of God's kingdom. Glory be to God.

After a few days of receiving her Bible and devotional, my friend of two years passed away. Her husband asked me if he could keep the books and start reading. Of course, I said yes. God is in control.

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